

Finding a place to
connect with others

Gathering in smaller groups has always been one of the best ways make and nurture discipleship in the local church. John Wimber one of the founding leaders of the Vineyard Movement shared some helpful thoughts on why we value small groups.


City groups

What is a City Group?

A City Group is not just a Bible study, or a fellowship group, it's not just a social club, or a support group, and it's certainly not just another weekly meeting. Yet a healthy City Group will include all of these things, providing opportunity and space to journey with others around a commitment to discipleship, community and mission.

Predominantly City Groups meet weekly on various days, and mostly in homes across our city and beyond. Each City Group is led by a trusted individual or couple, who are there to help facilitate the aims of the group and be the first port of call in pastoral care.


Joining a city group

We encourage you to join the group closet to you geographically, if thats not possible, then the one you know you can attend most constantly. If you're not sure which group to join try a couple and see how you get on!

Groups run in termly  blocks, three times a year. Each group will look slightly different, in terms of the make up of people and time and place in which they meet, but all our groups will hopefully include a time of gathering to eat, discuss/learn, share, and pray together.


To make a proposal for a new City Group, please let us know by 15th December.

Other kinds of groups

Connecting in other spaces

We also have other types of groups that meet at different times and for set periods or seasons.

Affinity Groups

Affinity means 'an inherent likeness or connection'. Affinity groups happen periodical and are  low barrier ways to connect with others in a similar life stage, gender or shared interest. These are great places to drop in and meet new friends, or invite old friends who don't call Garden City home. If you would like to join an affinity based group, please visit our online calendar to sign-up for an upcoming gathering.


Online Prayer Group

We believe the church is at its best, and God His most glorious, when His people seek after Him in humble, desperate, passionate prayer. We are hungry to be a people who contend for a fresh move of God's Spirit in our day and believe that Kingdom advancement is fueled by prayer. Join us on Zoom every Friday in term times from 6.30am.

Zoom Link

Core Groups

The goal for Core groups is to gather regularly with 3-4 people of the same gender to deliberately pursue Jesus together. To do this groups meet together to practice some of the most neglected commands and disciplines of the Christian life, providing an accessible way of discipling one another through meaningful, accountable relationships with others in the church.

formation + Discipleship


Electives form a key part of our Discipleship Pathway and are designed to create space where you can learn with others, be inspired and equipped to put in to practice what it means to follow Jesus in our everyday lives. Throughout the year we will host different streams with an opportunity to put into practice and outwork what you are learning, as we seek to intentionally apprentice ourselves to Jesus.


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